Nature strips

Nature strips

The City of Hobart moved away from mowing and maintaining nature strips adjacent to private and commercial properties at the end of March 2023. The City's new nature strip program encourages property owners and residents to recognise the value of nature strips and take pride in maintaining them.

The new policy has resulted in a saving of $200 000 a year, which allows us to do more work caring for and maintaining roadside verges, median strips, roundabouts, right of ways and improving the presentation of our streets.

The policy can be accessed here: Nature Strip Policy(PDF, 265KB)

Our nature strip guidelines outline what property residents and owners can and cannot do with residential nature strips. From 20 January 2023, residents will no longer need to apply for a permit to maintain their own nature strip. If you would like to make changes to your nature strip, please review our guidelines.

Nature strip guidelines(PDF, 978KB)

Request for assistance

The City of Hobart is offering support to those who, due to mobility or other issues such as poor heath or age, need help maintaining their nature strip. If you require assistance, or know someone who does, please complete the form below:

Online form

A printable form is also available: Request to mow nature strip form(PDF, 57KB)

Frequently asked questions

Please find our frequently asked questions (FAQs) with accompanying answers for residents regarding the new nature strip policy.

What is the new nature strip policy for the City of Hobart?

The new policy requires residents to maintain the nature strip adjacent to their property, including mowing, weeding, and litter removal. Residents are also encouraged to plant vegetation that is appropriate for the local environment and doesn't impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic, with examples included in our guidelines.

What if I can't maintain my nature strip?

If a resident is unable to maintain their nature strip due to age, disability or illness, they may be eligible for assistance from the City of Hobart. If this applies to you, or someone you know, please complete the online form.

What if I don't own a lawn mower or brush cutter?

If a resident does not own a mower or brush cutter, consider the possibility of borrowing one or renting one from family, a neighbor, a friend, or even consider setting up a roster with fellow neighbours.

What happens if a property owner does not maintain their nature strip?

If a property owner fails to maintain their nature strip, the City of Hobart will provide an annual cut to nature strips which are identified as hazardous.

Will the City of Hobart continue to maintain trees on our streets?

Trees across the City will still be maintained under our Street Tree program, which includes ongoing inspections of trees and future street tree planting too.