Preparing an application

Preparing an application

All applications must be lodged through PlanBuild.


Discover all the resources and support you need for PlanBuild Tasmania on the self-help and training guides page.

If your development:

  • includes land owned by someone other than the applicant then you must notify the other landowner
  • includes land owned or administered by the Council then you will need General Manager/CEO consent to make the application – this is a separate application, you can find more information on the planning page.

If you think your proposal is planning exempt then you can make a Pre-Application Enquiry (PAE) and if we agree that it is exempt then we will confirm this in writing. This process is free of charge.

Fees and charges

The City of Hobart's fees for planning permits depend on:

  • the type of use or development proposed
  • the cost of the proposed development
  • whether or not the development needs to be advertised.

For information on fees and charges please refer to our fees and charges page.

Alternatively, you can pick up a copy of our fees and charges at the Hobart Council Centre, 16 Elizabeth Street, Hobart.

Minimum documentation

The City of Hobart has the following standards for all plans that are submitted for approval.

Electronic file requirements

All files must be:

  • in a PDF format
  • created by a software program, not by a scanner
  • unlocked with no password protection
  • unzipped.

Hand sketches and written notes may be scanned and must be legible. We reserve the right to reject information if it is not supplied in an original electronic format or scanned files to an appropriate resolution.

File naming and size requirements

  • Attach each plan and drawing as a single landscape PDF and name the file according to the plan or drawing number and type, e.g. "DWG1075 House plan.pdf", "Concept Service Plan.pdf".
  • Name the file according to the permit condition they support, e.g. Condition 6 Stormwater Management Plan.pdf.
  • The maximum file size is 300MB. If you have larger documents please contact City Planning Administration on 03 6238 2711.

We may accept a combined PDF file if it is appropriately book marked using software that can combine PDF documents.

Plan requirements

We require the following information with any drawings and plans (according to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015, Clause 8.1.3):

  • scale – horizontal and vertical identified on each drawing
  • existing and proposed use on the site
  • boundaries and dimensions of the site
  • topography including 1 metre contours showing AHD levels and major site features
  • natural drainage lines, watercourses and wetlands on or adjacent to the site
  • soil type
  • vegetation types and distribution, and trees and vegetation to be removed
  • the location and capacity of any existing services or easements on the site or connected to the site
  • existing pedestrian, cycling, and vehicle access to the site
  • the location of existing and proposed buildings on the site
  • the location of existing adjoining properties, adjacent buildings and their uses
  • any natural hazards that may affect use or development of the site including flooding, bushfire, and storm surge
  • proposed roads, driveways, car parking areas, cycling parking areas, and footpaths within the site
  • any proposed open space, communal space, or facilities on the site
  • main utility service connection points and easements
  • proposed subdivision lot boundaries, where applicable
  • details such as height, materials and transparency of proposed fencing.

Common mistakes in the development process

Plans and other supporting documents

  • Not including basic information on plans (eg north points, scales and retaining wall elevations).
  • Inaccurate plans (eg not correctly showing what is to be demolished or the extent of works on the site, labelling plans incorrectly, not showing chimneys, not showing materials / colours / finishes, not ensuring floor plans and elevations match).
  • Site plans that don't show the context, street names or make it clear where on the site the works are proposed.
  • Using photomontages which do not accurately portray the proposal (eg using a wide angle lenses).
  • For sun shadow diagrams: cutting off the diagram at an arbitrary point, or cutting it off at the lot boundary, not including the location and use of habitable rooms in adjoining buildings, not being to scale, not including 3D solar access diagrams.
  • For consultant reports, there can be inconsistencies with other application documents and simple mistakes that require correcting.
  • Providing information which is irrelevant to the planning assessment.
  • Updating plans without updating the revision number or reference; not clearly stating when new information supersedes old; and not properly ensuring new information doesn't include superseded details.

Consideration of planning scheme requirements

  • Making unrealistic proposals at the outset, when a more modest design is appropriate. Often, the challenges and frustrations faced by developers is a result of trying to overdevelop a site.
  • Not genuinely responding to advice provided by officers regarding scheme requirements.
  • Not addressing all applicable standards in the planning scheme.
  • Lack of clarity about whether applicants are trying to satisfy an acceptable solution or performance criteria for an applicable standard in the planning scheme.
  • Not responding to each of the issues which are raised in a request for further information.

After a planning permit is granted

  • Underestimating how much needs to be done after the planning permit is granted to satisfy all conditions before the building permit is issued (which we call "condition endorsement"or "CEP").
  • Not having a project manager for the condition endorsement phase.
  • Entering into construction contracts before the condition endorsement phase has been completed.

Building permit applications

  • Changing the design when lodging for the building permit without checking with us before applying for the building permit, and not identifying or explaining the changes.

Common mistakes in the development process(PDF, 268KB)

Further assistance

The City of Hobart has a planner on duty during business hours 8.15 am to 5.15 pm. You can reach the Duty Planner (or anyone else in the Planning team) by calling 03 6238 2711 or by emailing

Depending on your question for the Duty Planner, it may be necessary to set up an appointment for you to come and discuss your proposal. Often we are able to respond to queries over the phone or by email.

Once you make an application, it may be referred to many parts of the organisation. Those referrals are coordinated by the responsible Planner and if you have any questions about the progress of your application, please contact the Planner. The Planner may need to refer your specific questions to other sections of the organisation.

The Development Appraisal Manager can assist you if you have any concerns with your application which are unable to be resolved by the responsible Planner.

For assistance with PlanBuild, please find resources and support on the self-help and training guides page .