Climate Ready Hobart Strategy

Climate Ready Hobart Strategy

The Climate Ready Hobart Strategy is a guide to what the City of Hobart and the community can do together to respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency as we move towards 2040.

The strategy embraces the City of Hobart's responsibility as a municipal organisation to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the community. It sets a clear direction for the City to lead by example across its core business and services, and to enable the community to act responding to climate change requires everyone to act.

The strategy sets goals and priorities for both the City of Hobart and the Hobart community that are a shared responsibility. It recognises that those with the greatest capacity bear the greatest responsibility for action.

The evidence is clear. We need to do our part to transition to a zero emissions way of life. Yet the future is uncertain, the strategy provides principles and guidelines to navigate our journey together. The strategy will be complemented by five-year action plans to guide implementation.

This strategy provides Hobart with:

  • clear and measurable goals to track and report on progress priorities for responding to climate change and making the biggest impact where it matters most
  • principles to guide decision making that are flexible and adaptable in the face of uncertainty
  • an integrated set of climate change priorities that value nature, community, and economy
  • an evidence-based approach that aligns with the climate science and with national and international standards
  • a strategy that is guided by collaboration with the community and responds to the recommendations of the Hobart Climate Assembly
  • a roadmap to do our part to contribute to the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change and the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Climate Ready Hobart Strategy(PDF, 13MB)