201 Macquarie St, 49 Molle St, 199 Macquarie St and Adjacent Rivulet

Was on display until 19 February 2021, 11:59 PM

  • Application numberPLN-19-768
  • ProposalPartial demolition, alterations, partial change of use to office and two multiple dwellings, new building for 45 multiple dwellings, signage and associated works.

201 Macquarie Street, 49 Molle Street and 199 Macquarie Street, Hobart 7000  View Map

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The application is for a new apartment building at the rear of the site, comprising 45 multiple dwelling units.

In the new building, 43 of the units will be one-bedroom and two of the units will be two-bedroom. The heritage listed building at the front of the site will be retained. The two existing two-bedroom units in the heritage listed building will be kept. The two existing two-bedroom units in the outbuilding will be converted into office space.

The application proposes 50 car parking spaces (49 of which are in the basement of the apartment building), four motorcycle bays and a bicycle storage area.

Upgrades and/or alterations to sewer and/or stormwater are proposed on adjoining land at 49 Molle Street, 199 Macquarie Street and the Hobart Rivulet.

Artist's impression of proposed development
Artist impression of proposed development

Artist's impression of proposed development
Artist impression of proposed development

Location plan of proposed development
Location plan of proposed development