79 Collins Street and Adjacent Road Reserve planning application

Was on display until 26 May 2021, 11:59 PM

  • Application numberPLN-20-911
  • ProposalPartial demolition and new building for visitor accommodation, hotel industry, food services, and community meeting and entertainment, and associated works.

79 Collins Street, Hobart 7000  View Map

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The proposed development comprises the demolition, replacement and retention of aspects of the existing building on the site, the construction of a new 14 storey hotel behind and above its façade, with a bar/restaurant and hotel services/amenities in the basement, the hotel reception, gym and further hotel amenities at ground floor, and 175 hotel rooms located across levels 1 to 13.

The existing façade is to be retained, and the upper levels of the new building will have arched windows that echo the fenestration of the original building.

The proposed development will comprise a range of external materials including dark metal fins; dark metal canopy; light metal; applied finishes in clear, light grey, dark matt and a light textured finish; tinted and clear glass; painted brick.

The development provides amenity for pedestrians and incorporates an awning over the footpath, and promotes visual interest through providing a well-defined front entry and glazing to allow permeability and opportunities for passive surveillance.

Pedestrian and service access to the hotel will be via Collins Street. There is no car parking proposed for the development, however bike parking and end of trip facilities are provided for staff and customers. 

79 Collins Street artist impression
Artist impression of proposed development

79 Collins Street artist impression
Artist impression of proposed development

79 Collins Street location plan
Location plan of proposed development